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特别研究员/长聘副教授 博导
Office: 软件楼 301
E-mail: firstname_lastname@bit.edu.cn

[Google Scholoar] [English Version]



  北京航空航天大学高等理工学院学士和博士,后留学加拿大韦仕敦大学和香港大学,兼任HKU Ziri-Lab副研究主任,从事云边协同计算、多模态机器学习、物联网和智能云制造/物流研究。曾在华为公司2012实验室任智能化研发技术专家和全球尖端技术合作主管。

  主持国家重点研发计划项目1项、国家自然科学基金项目1项、国家重点实验室开放基金1项,作为骨干参与国家973和863计划项目3项,其它来源项目9项,申请专利8项;发表SCI论文25篇(一作和通讯作者18篇,平均影响因子2.0以上),参与撰写4本学术专著和起草1份标准草案。担任SCI期刊 Ind. Manage. Data Syst., Adv. Eng. Inform., Comput. Oper. Res. 特刊主编,以及 IEEE IOTJ, IEEE Trans. SMC: Syst., IEEE Trans. Cybernetics, Robot. and Comput.-Integr. Manuf., Cluster Comput. 等SCI期刊审稿人。


  NEWS: 拟招聘1-2名人工智能安全、云安全、工业互联网和智能制造方向博士后,每年计划招收博士生1名、硕士生3-4名,也欢迎对科研感兴趣的本科生提前进入实验室实习!


  • 工业互联网

  • 智能系统安全

  • 人工智能

  • 软件工程




  • Journal of Manufacturing Systems (一区SCI),Editorial Board Member

  • IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing,Associate Editor


  • CSCWD: 2022, 2021, 2019

  • IWCMC: 2020


  • 信息技术新工科产学研联盟,网络空间安全工作委员会委员

  • 信息技术新工科产学研联盟,工业互联网工作委员会秘书长


  • 国家自然科学基金青年项目,2022-2024,项目负责人

  • 国家重点研发计划项目(青年科学家),2021-2024,项目负责人

  • 国家重点研发计划课题-面向装备智能互联的多源异构数据融合,2020-2023,参与

  • 工业与信息化部工业互联网发展工程项目(3项),2019-2023,参与


Full publication list and citation: [Google Scholoar]

  1. Yingchao Wang, Chen Yang, Shulin Lan, Liehuang Zhu, Yan Zhang. End-Edge-Cloud Collaborative Computing for Deep Learning: A Comprehensive Survey. IEEE Communications Survey & Tutorials, 2024. [Download]

  2. Chen Yang, Yushi Wang, Shulin Lan, Liehuang Zhu. Multi-agent reinforcement Learning based Distributed Channel Access for Industrial Edge-cloud Web 3.0. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2024. [Download]

  3. Chen Yang, Yingchao Wang, Yinfei Jiang, Shulin Lan, Lihui Wang. Metaverse: Architecture, Technologies, and Industrial Applications. The 19th IEEE CASE 2023, 2023. [Download]

  4. Chen Yang, Zou Lai, Yingchao Wang, Shulin Lan, Lihui Wang, Liehuang Zhu. A Novel Bearing Fault Diagnosis Method based on Stacked Autoencoder and End-edge Collaboration. The 26th IEEE CSCWD, 2023. (Best Application Paper Award) [Download]

  5. Chen Yang, Qunjian Chen, Zexuan Zhu, Zhi-An Huang, Shulin Lan, Liehuang Zhu. Evolutionary Multitasking for Costly Task Offloading in Mobile Edge Computing Networks. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 2023. [Download]

  6. 赵亚洲, 兰舒琳, 杨晨*, 王力翚, 祝烈煌. 元宇宙架构及其安全性问题分析. 《工业信息安全》杂志, 2022. [Download]

  7. Chen Yang, Yingchao Wang, Shulin Lan, etc. Cloud-edge-device collaboration mechanisms of deep learning models for smart robots in mass personalization. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 2022. [Download]

  8. Lixiang Zhang, Chen Yang, Yan Yan, Yaoguang Hu. Distributed real-time scheduling in cloud manufacturing by deep reinforcement learning. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2022. [Link]

  9. Chen Yang, Shulin Lan, Zhiheng Zhao, etc. Edge-cloud Blockchain and IoE enabled Quality Management Platform for Perishable Supply Chain Logistics. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022. [Download]

  10. Chen Yang, Fangyin Liao, Shulin Lan, Lihui Wang, Weiming Shen, George Q. Huang. Flexible Resource Scheduling for Software-Defined Cloud Manufacturing with Edge Computing, ENGINEERING, 2021. [Download]

  11. 杨晨,马瑞成,王雨石,翟岩龙,祝烈煌. 深度学习与工业互联网安全:应用与挑战[J].《中国工程科学》, 2021, 23(2):95-103. [Download] [English Version Download]

  12. Tingyu Lin, Zhengxuan Jia, Chen Yang*, etc. Evolutionary digital twin: A new approach for intelligent industrial product development. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2021, 47, 101209.[Download]

  13. Tingyu Lin, Guoqiang Shi, Chen Yang*, etc. Efficient container virtualization-based digital twin simulation of smart industrial systems. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 281, 124443.[Download]

  14. Chen Yang, Weiming Shen, Xianbin Wang, The Internet of Things in Manufacturing: Key Issues and Potential Applications. IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Magazine, 2018, 4(1): 6-15. [Download]

  15. Zhiheng Zhao, Mengdi Zhang, Chen Yang*, etc., Distributed and collaborative proactive tandem location tracking of vehicle products for warehouse operations. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2018, 125: 637-648.

  16. Chen Yang, Shulin Lan, Weiming Shen, etc., Towards product customization and personalization in IoT-enabled cloud manufacturing. Cluster Computing, 2017, 20(2): 1717-1730. [Download]

  17. Tingyu Lin, Chen Yang*, etc., Multi-centric management and optimized allocation of manufacturing resource and capability in cloud manufacturing system. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2017, 231(12): 2159-2172.

  18. Chen Yang, Peng Chi, Xiao Song, etc., An efficient approach to collaborative simulation of variable structure systems on multi-core machines. Cluster Computing, 2016, 19(1): 29-46.